How can foreign tourists escape frauds and scams in Tiruvannamalai

Here are tips for foreign tourists in for avoiding frauds and scams in Tiruvannamalai.

The tips for limiting the odds of being ripped off while touring Tiruvannamalai.

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1) Watch out for the mafia

Two of my companions escaped the train station in Tiruvannamalai late around evening time. They waved to an “ordinary” looking auto rickshaw and after that made a beeline for their lodging. First the driver “couldn’t discover” their inn and continued to take them to another “inn” which was completely reserved. My companions even addressed the “lodging” who affirmed that it was totally reserved out. The individuals at the “workplace” stated, “no madam” and rather they suggested that they get in one of their “taxis” at the present time and do a voyage through Tiruvannamalai. My companions stated, “no chance, would we be able to address your chief”. At that point the head (marched out) mafia fellow turned out and clarified that the subject of was a trick. He stated, “since I like you, I will get you an inn.”

Lesson of the story, look out for the mafia!! In the event that something is fishy, at that point it likely is a trick or trap. Do your examination and have your brains about you particularly around train stations and modest lodgings. Additionally having a mobile phone (with working Internet) can be significant.

2) Have great travel protection for Tiruvannamalai

Nowadays I won’t do any global undertakings without having great travel protection. In any case, I particularly believe it’s significant for Tiruvannamalai venture out on the grounds that you have to “expect the unforeseen” and have genuine feelings of serenity that you’ll be dealt with regardless of what occurs.

3) Taxi and auto rickshaw drivers are infamous con artists

As you can see from over, the drivers are the absolute greatest tricksters in India and are frequently connected to other increasingly expand tricks, plans and shams. A significant method to maintain a strategic distance from these tricks is to concede to the agreement and cost before getting in to the vehicle. Try not to pay a penny until you have landed at your goal. Regularly on a more extended voyage a driver will request cash for gas which is alright to give as long as it is a piece of the settled upon definite cost and you recollect it toward the end (they will trust you overlook!). Something else that makes it simpler to speak with drivers is to state you’re going to milestone, for example, an outstanding extravagant lodging or vacation spot. At that point when you’re close to you can either get out and walk or direct them somewhat further to your genuine goal. This maintains a strategic distance from perplexity, false impressions and the odds of being defrauded or deceived by a tricky driver.

4) Almost all shops are going to scam you

As soon as the retailer sees that you’re a westerner they will get dollar signs in their eyes and raise their costs. A straightforward method to dodge this is to just go to “fixed rate” shops. In the event that this is beyond the realm of imagination, at that point you should deal.

5) Learn to deal like an Tiruvannamalai native

I composed this other article (worth looking at) called, “how to deal like an Tiruvannamalai native”. The key is to offer a ridiculously low sum for a thing so the bartering starts and afterward gradually increment your idea until you concur with the retailers offer. Another strategy is to leave the shop saying “excessively costly” or “to an extreme” and frequently this will drop the value nearer to your rate in a split second. In conclusion, you should attempt to realize how a lot of something is worth in Tiruvannamalai.

6) Get involvement with genuine costs

This is more difficult than one might expect however following a couple of days or weeks in Tiruvannamalai you may begin to make sense of it. Essentially you have to realize what local people would pay for a similar thing and after that you’ll know how low the businessperson, driver or lodging is happy to go.

7) Ask reliable looking local people

One approach to help with rapidly knowing the genuine cost of things is to ask supportive local people who aren’t getting a commission from anybody. They will readily disclose to you the genuine costs and may even enable you to deal when the merchant is explicitly scamming you.

8) Be cautious when trading cash

Clearly trading cash can be an unsafe business that tricksters like to be engaged with. The air terminal trade spots are generally fine however they do scam you. I for one like ATM’s the best since they are most secure and have probably the best trade rates. Become familiar with it on my blog, “taking care of and trading cash in Tiruvannamalai”.

9) Be very careful around huge money related exchanges

Whenever you pay a large number of rupees for a major cost be additional alarm.

10) Do your examination before showing up

To wrap things up, do your examination. This implies looking into the goal on the Internet, examining maps and getting counsel from different voyagers about that spot you’re considering going. This will enable you to get any insider learning before you show up making you increasingly arranged to manage the conceivable invasion of tricks that anticipate you.

The other tricks used to scam western tourists in Tiruvannamalai are –

  1. Rickshaw tricks
  2. Train ticket isn’t approved
  3. They place an jewelry or anklet on you and state it’s free and after that request cash.
  4. Maintain a strategic distance from individuals attempting to put tilak on your forehead
  5. Keep away from individuals requesting to take photographs with you.
  6. Beware guides and guest house managers
  7. Disapprove of individuals ‘helping’ you lift your pack anyplace
  8. SIM card trick
  9. Prepaid taxi trick
  10. 10) Tampering with nourishment or drink: It is extremely sad yet now and again business people with top off filtered water with faucet water and afterward stick the top back on!

Try not to tune in to anybody that inquires as to whether this is your first time to India?, which nation would you say you are from? or on the other hand would i be able to rehearse my English with you? These are typically just con artists attempting to have a discussion with you which may wind up with a terrible closure. I have likewise heard when touts ask which nation you are from, it gives them a decent check on the amount to cheat you and scam you!

Remain quiet about yourself and just ask authorities that are wearing legitimate identity for guidance.

I simply need you to know, this ought NOT put you off Tiruvannamalai. I really discover the tricks entertaining. Make sure to unwind, grin and snicker since, I’m revealing to you now, you will drive yourself mentally on the off chance that you don’t! The way to dodging a trick is inquire about. On the off chance that you have just perused every one of the tricks in Tiruvannamalai, at that point you will know precisely how to evade them!

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