Useful Tips for Tourists in Tiruvannamalai To Be Safe

Tiruvannamalai is one of the significant tourist towns in India where the travel industry is a flourishing industry. There are such a significant number of tourist spots situated in Tiruvannamalai. An enormous number of travelers (Domestic and Foreign) are visiting these sight seeing spots, every single day. The greater part of the Tourist spots are around Tiruvannamalai. The present quality of Tourism Police staff  in Tiruvannamalai are insufficient to control the inflow of voyagers in their separate Tourist goals. There are a few fake deals, scams,beggars menace, anti social elements in tourist centers in Tiruvannamalai. So as to give satisfactory security and better support of the travelers, adequate number of Tourism Police work force are not accessible at present. Thus adequate quality of police work force are required for the Tourist wing of Police Department for keeping up lawfulness and avoiding theft,assault and hassling of travelers.

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The travel industry Police wing in Tiruvannamalai has been working in the town throughout the previous two decades and the undesirable elements in the travel industry has been managed to a limited degree. The police of Tiruvannamalai are doing their best to provide safety to tourists in Tiruvannamalai.

Nonetheless, tourists coming to Tiruvannamalai must follow safety rules to protect themselves from bad elements

Here are some Safety Tips for travelers in Tiruvannamalai –

Keep your significant documents,passports,money and credit cards in your hotel in a safe box or carry it with you safely.

Never keep enormous money on your handbag.

Never leave baggage  at the bus stand, rail Stations, taxi stands and so on.

Be careful about unknown people going to your lodging. Never open the entryway to spontaneous room administration or upkeep individuals. Contact the front work area on the off chance that you have any questions.

In the event that you face any badgering or peace issue in Tiruvannamalai, you can dial 100 number from closest phone for police help.

Some Do’s for sightseers

Foreign nationals in Tiruvannamalai ought to get the necessary grant from the Immigration specialists not long after they arrive at India. Visit only areas that are allowed .

Utilize the administration approved vacationer guides only.

While driving adhere to the traffic rules, keep left, Carry authoritative archives like driving permit, grant, identification and so forth.

Watch respectability and decency in dress.

Some Don’ts for voyagers

Foreigners ought not enter without required Visa/reports.

Try not to go into confined regions.

Try not to light fire in woods zones.

Try not to remain on the backwoods zones during evenings, by setting up claim tents/loungers without grant.

Try not to drive/swim under the influence of alcohol


Sunscreen is an unquestionable requirement.

Convey mineral water; verify you get it from a certifiable vendor. Drink frequently.

Try not to keep your cash, identification in the care of unwanted people.

Trade your cash through approved banks/cash changers just and demand a receipt.

While shopping maintain a strategic distance from touts and dealers.

Shop only in prescribed Government emporiums.

Try not to buy rail/air/transport tickets through outsiders or unapproved trip specialists/visit administrators yet from approved offices/counters as it were.

If there should arise an occurrence of any trouble contact the closest Tourist Bureau or Police Station for assistance.

Tourism police in Tiruvannamalai are arranged at vital focuses. Voyagers are encouraged to get in touch with them for any help required during the visit.

Contract government affirmed visitor guides who constantly convey an ID card.

Tiruvannamalai is a plastic free zone. Debilitate any utilization of plastic packs and so forth.

Watch neighborhood conventions and traditions while visiting strict spots.

Look for data and get help from real Tourist Information Centers. Try not to manage touts and brokers.

Alert on lakes and ponds around Tiruvannamalai

The lakes and ponds in Tiruvannamalai are risky to dive or swim particularly during the rainy season.

The underground lake bottom level may not be even.

Adventure into the lakes ONLY on the off chance that you are a decent swimmer.

Keep in mind, Drinking and swimming is more risky than drinking and driving.


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