Advice & Warnings for female tourists in Tiruvannamalai

Tips and Advice for Women Traveling in Tiruvannamalai

We are lucky to live in a major and energizing world. It’s a world that enables us to go on an extended get-away or business to all sides of the world. From huge metropolitan regions to calm provincial territories to beautiful sea shores, there is something for everybody. Travel is something that should be possible by the youthful and old, regardless of whether you are men or ladies.

Nonetheless, ladies touring alone in Tiruvannamalai, or with others, should play it safe to guarantee that they stay safe in their movements. While most of explorers in Tiruvannamalai do as such with no episode or issues, it is constantly a smart thought to be set up for the surprising and stay safe in your movements.

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Travel Tips for Solo Female Travelers in Tiruvannamalai

General Advice – Use Common Sense

While the greater part of the safeguards that ladies can do while heading out is because of sound judgment. In the event that a circumstance seems to be faulty, it might be a smart thought to stay away from the spot. To help keep away from conceivable threat, it is useful to do examine before you leave. By inquiring about the zone you might have the option to decide whether it is ok for movement. Regardless of whether you travel alone or with others, there are some broad guidelines to pursue. For example, not to be separated from everyone else in a weird spot. Rather attempt to be around bigger groups, regardless of whether they are individual voyagers or nearby residents. What’s more, don’t streak cash or assets in broad daylight. Doing so may make you a potential casualty of crime. Travel can be fun and energizing for everybody. Notwithstanding, by utilizing a little alert and presence of mind can help guarantee that your get-away or excursion for work can go off without an issue. To help figure out how to remain safe while voyaging, if you don’t mind don’t hesitate to audit the accompanying data. Furthermore, make the most of your outing!

Top Safety Tips for Women Travelers in Tiruvannamalai from the Experts

Point of confinement Your Drinking

This is a tip that doesn’t get said frequently enough. It’s relevant whether you’re at home or out and about. At the point when you drink liquor, you dull your faculties and moderate your response time, which thus makes you defenseless against others.

Dress Like a Local

As I would like to think, this one could be profoundly far from being obviously true and, hypothetically, ladies ought to have the option to dress how they like any place they go, however that is simply not reasonable. Probably the best exercise I mastered voyaging alone throughout the years is the manner by which to mix in, and that implies dressing like a nearby when important.

In Tiruvannamalai, it’s consummately protected to walk alone around evening time. Sometimes, it could be perilous. Going out around evening time in gatherings or requesting to be joined by another person at your guesthouse or lodging is constantly brilliant.

Convey a Whistle or Personal Safety Alarm

On the off chance that you intend to do any touring on your outing or go for a run, an individual wellbeing alert is a decent expansion to convey.

Know Where You are and Where You Are Going

Check maps and travel manages before leaving on your course to acclimate yourself with the area.

Try not to BE TOO CHEAP

It’s constantly extraordinary to spare a buck, however not to the detriment of your prosperity. It might be protected to stroll around during the daytime, yet it might be gainful to pay for a taxi around evening time.

On the off chance that you genuinely feel perilous, particularly in someone else’s home, it is totally justified, despite all the trouble to spend too much on a progressively secure spot for your very own wellbeing.


Hazardous action is bound to occur around evening time when there are less groups out.

Attempt to show up/land in a city during the daytime so you can get your course

Abstain from strolling around at evening. Pick open transportation or taxicabs.

Leave the entirety of your assets in your lodging and possibly take the measure of money you need in the event that you go out around evening time

Attempt to discover a gathering to join in the event that you need to go out around evening time. Join a bar creep, stop by an inn bar, and meet with individuals during day visits to abstain from going around evening time alone.



Realizing what to do if there should be an occurrence of an assault will assist you with being progressively certain and arranged while voyaging alone. I need to concede that I haven’t taken classes yet. I know a few moves, yet I will likely take one very soon.

You can likewise get self-protection devices like an assault whistle or guard pen . You can even utilize bug splash as pepper shower replacement(since it’s unlawful in many nations) or a tripod/selfie stick/keys as an improvised weapon.

In any case, be cautious about battling back. In the event that somebody is attempting to ransack you with a weapon, give them your assets. Material things can generally be replaced…well at any rate on the off chance that you have travel protection 😉

Falsehood IF YOU NEED TO

On the off chance that somebody inquires as to yourself being distant from everyone else, don’t hesitate to lie and disclose to them that you’re meeting up with companions or that you’re bf/gf is back at the lodging hanging tight for you.

Tell men that you have a sweetheart/spouse on the off chance that they won’t disregard you. It sucks, however men truly will in general show more restriction once they discover that you’re as of now with another man *insert eye roll*.


I know, it’s so enticing to avoid the additional expense of movement protection when an outing is costly. I’m letting you know however, it could spare you thousands over the long haul on potential wellbeing dangers, crises, robbery, and more.

In case you’re fortunate, nothing terrible will ever occur on your outing. I went on my initial 4-5 excursions without movement protection and everything was impeccably fine. Incidentally, the one time I got burglarized was the first occasion when I’d at any point bought travel protection for an excursion. I’m so appreciative I had it since they repaid me for up $500 worth of taken items. In the event that I didn’t purchase that movement protection, I would have been up the creek without a paddle.


This isn’t only an adorable saying. In spite of the way that you’re voyaging alone, you’ll wind up contingent upon outsiders more than you’d expect for bearings or help. I’m here to state that a great many people are great and supportive. Nonetheless, we as a whole realize that a few people don’t have the best goals. On the off chance that you get the inclination that somebody has ulterior thought processes, at that point you have to believe that feeling. It will be simpler to get yourself out of the circumstance sooner than later. Your impulse will uncover a ton to you out and about and it’ll hone with understanding.

Be impolite in the event that you have to. I’m not pleased with this, yet In Tiruvannamalai, I needed to needed to advise a man to ‘F off’ after he continued to murmur at me and brief me to tail him into his home for more than 20 minutes.


This seems like an easy decision yet I’ve experienced such huge numbers of explorers who regarded local people as though they were only an assistant to their outing. Rather than treating them like individual people, they regarded these individuals as though they were exclusively there to engage and serve them – speaking condescendingly to them. This is such a disgrace and I don’t think numerous individuals acknowledge they are in any event, doing it. I’ve had such a significant number of local people pay special mind to me and really educate me regarding individuals or things to watch out for, just in light of the fact that I was decent to them

Such a large number of vacationers pride themselves on needing to collaborate with local people however rather, they glaringly keep them at an arms separation – as though local people are visually impaired or inept. Individuals can identify when you’re anxious, doubting, or terrified of them and they will mirror that conduct back to you.

Be aware of your non-verbal communication. Converse with local people as opposed to talking at them. Look at individuals legitimately without flinching on the off chance that they are addressing you or serving you. Grin at them. Attempt to communicate in their language. Ask them their name. Get some information about their way of life. Welcome them when you stroll within their organizations.

I can guarantee you that your experience will be more secure overrall on the off chance that you treat local people like you would treat a companion. Consequently, they will treat you superior to anything the ordinary traveler with dollar signs gliding over their head.

I’m happy to the point that I never enabled my feelings of trepidation about performance travel to prevent me from trying it out. My performance encounters abroad have transformed me. Furthermore, It’s not simply me. I continually meet other independent female explorers who feel precisely the same way.

I’m here to reveal to you that you’re undeniably increasingly solid, fit, brilliant, and astute than you likely might suspect. On the off chance that you appropriately prepare yourself, you’ll return securely from your performance trip with enough recollections to endure forever.

Enjoy Tiruvannamalai tourism but at the same time be careful.


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