Tips for foreign tourists to escape beggars while touring Tiruvannamalai

Tiruvannamalai is filled with fake beggars in different styles and it’s the tourists to Tiruvannamalai who fall prey to these imaginative strategies utilized by the packs of roadside fake poor people who in the long run part off with a luxurious measure of cash in their demonstrations of magnanimity!

This post is particularly devoted to the travelers visiting Tiruvannamalai and help them to avoid beggars.Referenced underneath are hardly any tips (in light of constant encounters) to help all the remote visitors on the Tiruvannamalai streets!

Image result for beggar women and men





1. It’s Just Not Legal

As indicated by the rules set somewhere around the Tiruvannamalai law, asking is illicit and is consequently precluded. In any case, tragically this law is barely if at any time rehearsed! There are numerous specialists who have discovered that the bums win about Rs 500-600 each and every day. This records to be substantially more than any persevering worker’s compensation. Subsequently it has become a calling of the lazier parcel who embrace it cheerfully!

2. Have faith in Your Gut

In the event that you truly wish to donate to these bums, keep in mind to donate to a decent NGO or a magnanimous trust that explicitly works for the upliftment of such poor people and is committed to destroy beggary from the nation. Make your commitments to them as opposed to giving your cash in an inappropriate hands.

3. Dejection Is Certainly Not Destiny In Tiruvannamalai, It’s A Fully Fledged Business

Your heart would surely pound, skirt a beat and you may even feel overpowered with the sentiment of sympathy taking a gander at the hopeless situation of the homeless people in Tiruvannamalai. You are certainly going to experience a couple of untouchables, unstable mother conveying her exposed kid, and pregnant ladies yet in actuality, they are for the most part phony! Such performances really help them to take a few to get back some composure of your consideration, whereby you are so loaded up with compassion that you don’t reconsider before passing out cash to them. Nonetheless, it is significant for you to take note of that the cash you give them is eventually utilized for financing unlawful acts or for reveling into drugs.

4. Pursue the Widely Accepted Mantra of Avoiding Beggars

The number of inhabitants in poor people is normally increasingly common in the populated regions, for example, sanctuaries, shopping buildings, landmarks, railroad stations, eating joints, shopping centers, and so on. Never offer anything to any of the hobos, else be set up to face a humiliating circumstance, where an entire crowd of bums will swarm around you or hand into your arms and feet, imploring you for additional. Be harsh and pay special mind to your satchels, handbag and wallets.

5. Keep in mind, Your Valuables Are Much More Valuable To Others

You may have sympathy at the hopeless situation of the poor people and chances are your liberal side takes a more grounded hang on you. Be that as it may, ensure your liberality doesn’t get you tricked! Several cases have been accounted for in the town, where individuals have been tricked of their costly cell phones, gems and even money taken while assisting the homeless people. In this manner be incredibly alert while going as the homeless people primarily pay special mind to possibly defenseless and blameless targets.

6. Avoidance is Any Day Better than Cure

When going in a vehicle, ensure you keep your windows moved up, particularly when your vehicle stops at the traffic lights. Each bustling sign on the Tiruvannamalai streets has a set number of homeless people designated to it, who suddenly swarm pretty much every vehicle so as to produce their day by day income! You are required to just overlook them and guarantee you avoid any kind of eye to eye connection, which may some way or another delay their remain.

Oppose giving cash, and regardless of whether you mean to do so make it as your last choice when the lights are going to become environmentally friendly. The minute you offer cash to one, their entire tribe will come rushing to you inside no opportunity to get more cash out of you!

Foreign tourists in Tiruvannamalai are request to avoid and discourage beggars.

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