Top 6 tourist spots in Tiruvannamalai


Here are the top 6 tourist destinations in Tiruvannamalai –

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Number #1 destination for tourists in Tiruvannamalai is doing Girivalam around Arunachala

The number one destination for tourists visiting Tiruvannamalai is Arunachala mountain which represents Lord Shiva himself. Devotees from all over the world come to perform circumambulation ( also known as Girivalam, Parikrama or Pradakshina ) on the 14 km path around the Arunachala mountain. Explorer’s in Tiruvannamalai also climb the Arunachala mountain path through Ramana ashram to pay a visit to Skanda ashram and Virupaksha cave located at the top of the hill where Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi lived for 22 years before moving to the present Ramana Ashram located at the foot hill of Arunachala.

Number # 2 sight seeing spot in Tiruvannamalai is Ramanashram

The other equally important tourism spot in Tiruvannamalai is Sri Ramana ashram,where Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi lived from 1922 to 1950 before attaining Mahanirvana and merging with Arunachala shiva permanently .The samadhi of Ramana maharishi and the shrine of Bhagavan’s mother Alagammal are maintained here.Millions of tourists visit Tiruvannamalai for the sole purpose of visiting Ramanashram and involving themselves in self inquiry and teachings of Ramana Maharishi.

Number # 3 tourist destination in Tiruvannamalai is Arunachaleswarar temple

A tour to Tiruvannamalai is never complete without visiting Arunachaleswarar temple also known as Annamalaiyar temple. This shiva temple in Tiruvannamalai covers 9 hectares of land and was built in the 9th century by the Chola kings .This one of the largest and oldest temples in India.This temple is devoted to Lord Arunachala and it has many shrines, with those of Annamalaiyar representing Arunachala Shiva and Unnamalai Amman representing Parvati or shakti as the main deities.

Number # 5 is Adi Annamalai temple in Adi Annamalai Village

Vacationers and spiritual seekers visiting Tiruvannamalai also visit Adi Annamalai temple situated in Adi Annamalai village which is 7 km away from Tiruvannamalai on the girivalam path.The Adi Annamalai temple in Tiruvannamalai is older than the main Arunachaleswarar temple and it is also devoted to Lord Arunachala Shiva.This temple is peaceful and has no restrictions for non hindus or foreigners to enter the inner sanctum that contains the main deity of the temple.

Number # 6 foreign tourists sight seeing destination is Yogi Ramsurath Kumar & Bhagavan Lakshmana Swamy Ashram in Tiruvannamalai.


Other than Ramanashram,Tiruvannamalai is famous for few other ashrams which are visited by many Indian and foreign tourists in Tiruvannamalai.Yogi Ram Surathkumar’s ashram is one such place. Another Jnani who still lives in the body is Bhagavan Lakshmana swamy and Matru Saradamma  at their private residence called Arunachala Hrudayam. Lakshmana swamy was enlightened by Ramana Maharishi in 1949 as a 24 year old boy and at present he is always in the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi and is unavailable to the outer world. Bhagavan Lakshmana Swamy’s disciple and adpoted daughter Sri Mathru Saradamma was enlightened in his presence I 1978.They both lead a secluded life in Tiruvannamalai.Entry to tourists is restricted at the ashram  and one needs prior approval to meditate at the gates.

These are the Top 6 tourist spots in Tiruvannamalai tourism.

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