Tops 3 places to visit in Tiruvannamalai: One day tour to Tiruvannamalai !

Traveling to Tiruvannamalai for just 1 day and confused as to which places to visit in Tiruvannamalai in 1 day ? Here are tips from Tiruvannamamalai tourism on the Top 3 places to visit in Tiruvannamalai for just a 1 day travel.If you are in Tiruvannamalai for just a one day tour then the top 3 places to visit in Tiruvannamalai are –

  1. Girivalam Around Arunachala Hill
  2. Arunachala Temple
  3. Ramanashram

The best tourist destination: Tiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu Tourist ...

Number one Tourist spot in Tiruvannamalai is Aruanchal Mountain.

The main goal for visitors visiting Tiruvannamalai is Arunachala mountain which speaks to Lord Shiva himself. Fans from everywhere throughout the world come to perform circumambulation ( otherwise called Girivalam, Parikrama or Pradakshina ) on the 14 km way around the Arunachala mountain. Traveler’s in Tiruvannamalai additionally climb the Arunachala mountain way through Ramana ashram to visit Skanda ashram and Virupaksha cavern situated at the highest point of the slope where Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi lived for a long time before moving to the present Ramana Ashram situated at the foot slope of Arunachala.

Number Two Touring spot in Tiruvannamalai is Arunachaleswarar Temple

A visit to Tiruvannamalai is never finished without visiting Arunachaleswarar sanctuary otherwise called Annamalaiyar sanctuary. This shiva sanctuary in Tiruvannamalai covers 9 hectares of land and was worked in the ninth century by the Chola rulers .This one of the biggest and most established sanctuaries in India.This sanctuary is given to Lord Arunachala and it has numerous holy places, with those of Annamalaiyar speaking to Arunachala Shiva and Unnamalai Amman speaking to Parvati or shakti as the principle gods.

Number Three Tourist spot in Tiruvannamalai is Ramanashram (  Sri Ramana Ashram )

The other similarly significant the travel industry spot in Tiruvannamalai is Sri Ramana ashram,where Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi lived from 1922 to 1950 preceding achieving Mahanirvana and converging with Arunachala shiva forever .The samadhi of Ramana maharishi and the holy place of Bhagavan’s mom Alagammal are kept up here.Millions of sightseers visit Tiruvannamalai for the sole reason for visiting Ramanashram and including themselves in self enquiry and lessons of Ramana Maharishi.

Enjoy your one day tour in Tiruvannamalai and enjoy the blessing of Arunachala.

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