Taxi Safety Tips For Foreign Tourists Traveling To & Fro in Tiruvannamalai


Traveling to Tiruvannamalai from Chennai Airport Or Bangalore Airport or from Pondicherry to Tiruvannamalai in a taxi is the most commonly used mode of transport for foreign tourists traveling to Tiruvannamalai. Moreover traveling from Tiruvannamalai  to Kerala,Mysore and other places of tourist interest in taxi is the only way to visit various places in India.Be careful to choose the right travel and taxi agency in Tiruvannamalai to be safe.We recommend Tiruvanamalai Tourism as the best and safe travel ad taxi agency in Tiruvannamalai.View for booking taxi in Tiruvannamalai.Many taxi drivers in Tiruvannamalai and travel agency is safe in Tiruvannamalai but yet there are the cheap criminals existing in the travel industry in many forms in Tiruvannamalai.

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  1. While traveling in Tiruvannamalai in Taxi’sWhatsApp or SMS cab details to your friend or relative. If possible Photo of the Cab.
  2. Save police phone number in your speed dial in Tiruvannamalai
  3. Observe the route in Tiruvanamalai and make sure you travel in a route you are familiar and preferably major roads. If possible turn on Route tracking in your mobile.
  4. While traveling in a taxi in Tiruvannamalai,Please do not talk on phone, listen to music, chat on WhatsApp, watch youtube or etc. They distract you from your observation.
  5. While using a taxi from Tiruvannamlai Make a short call to some one every 10 to 15 minutes and tell them where you are. If it is not possible at least pretend that you are doing it, so the cab driver will know, you are informing your movements to some one.
  6. Make sure no one else is in the car other than driver. At odd hours, avoid shared cabs.
  7. Oh, and one more thing … never enter a taxi or auto in Tiruvannamalai or anywhere in India with someone else in the passenger seat. No matter what the reason is or the driver tries to explain do not listen to it, it can mean no good for you and it’s commonly a way that travelers get robbed, kidnapped, raped, and murdered.

    Solo women tourists to Tiruvannamalai must be more careful about booking taxi with unknown travel agencies.The safe away to travel to and fro in Tiruvannamalai,use Taxi from Tiruvannamalai Tourism.View for booking taxi.

Whenever you enter a taxi or minicab or autos i Tiruvannamalai – anything driven by another person – you give up a little control to someone else. Frequently that individual is totally obscure to you, so it’s imperative to contemplate your own wellbeing while at the same time going in a taxi.

Then again, numerous cab drivers are staggering wellsprings of data about nearby traditions, recent developments, best eateries and amusement, and the sky is the limit from there. Cab drivers are regularly specialists on sheltered and risky neighborhoods and what dangers may hide at your lodging or goal.

Many taxi drivers are likewise extraordinary to converse with but tourists in Tiruvannamalai must limit their conversation with taxi drivers in Tiruvanamalai . All things considered, be mindful of over-sharing since they may give the data to another person who doesn’t have your eventual benefits on a basic level.

Here are the most recent top 10 taxi wellbeing for voyagers tips from specialists.

1. Approach ahead at the normal cost and tipping range

Inn staff or your host in Tiruvannamalai can reveal to you the run of the mill value range to your goal and the fitting add up to tip. Having a smart thought of what you ought to need to follow through on – and affirming the cost with the driver early can mean less problem when it’s a great opportunity to cover the tab.

Numerous dispatchers can likewise reveal to you the cost, so advance beyond time on the off chance that you can.

2. Pre book a taxi in Tiruvanamalai as opposed to hailing one

Some free cab drivers i Tiruvannamalai work in organization with cheats. The trick goes this way: the driver spots something important with the rest of your personal effects (adornments, a camera, a cell phone) and they message the criminal with the course. Since the hoodlum knows the taxi and the course, they just need to hold up at a stoplight to open the entryway and grab what’s yours.

Request the taxi number when you talk with the dispatcher so you can be sure you’re getting in the correct vehicle. Ensure the taxi number, or if nothing else the organization’s name and telephone number, is obvious on the vehicle before you endeavor to get in.

3. Never take a taxi alone in case you’re flushed

On the off chance that you’ve had an excessive amount to drink, it might appear the correct choice to get a taxi – and it is, with another person. In case you’re tanked, the ride in the taxi may take care of you. The beverage may likewise place you into a semi-cognizant state – not simply the best situation to safeguard from the driver, an accomplice the driver called, or any other person who needs to hurt you. Riders have been assaulted, beaten, burglarized, and even slaughtered in the wake of getting into a taxi when they’re weakly flushed.

In case you’re tanked and need a ride, take a non alcoholic amigo alongside you and remain wakeful during the ride.

4. Search for a meter, a radio, an identification, and an entryway handle

All veritable authorized taxi and minicab drivers’ vehicles are outfitted with a meter (for deciding the charge) and a radio (for accepting calls from the dispatcher). In about all nations, the cabbie is required to convey and show their ID identification in the vehicle. On the off chance that you don’t see an identification or a radio, don’t get into the vehicle.

Continuously watch that there’s an inside entryway handle that works before you settle in as well. A few districts are infamous for grabbing explorers along these lines.

5. Sit in the rearward sitting arrangement – not in the front seat

In the rearward sitting arrangement, you’re less obvious to the driver and to bystanders too. In case you’re voyaging solo, sitting in the center puts you more remote of reach as well. The less available you are, the more outlandish you’ll be focused on.

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6. Keep costly things covered up and keep your things close

You may barely care about the cost identified with a portion of your cell phones, yet in a creating nation a cell phone is anything but difficult to snatch and considerably simpler to sell.

In case you’re working a cell phone while sitting tight for the taxi or at a stoplight, you may believe you’re being effective, but on the other hand you’re blazing an objective for potential criminals. Every one of the a cheat needs is 20 seconds at the following stoplight to reach in and take it.

Store your cell phones and cameras in your sacks and zip them up (the one exemption is your telephone – keep that nearby). At that point, keep your satchel, rucksack, or different packs near you – ideally on the floor between your feet where they’re difficult to see and significantly harder to reach.

You can even place your leg through the more extended ties. Simply make sure to unravel before you attempt to leave the taxi!

7. Realize where you’re venturing out in front of time

Have a thought where you’re venturing out in front of time, and roughly to what extent it will take to arrive. You can without much of a stretch look this into on the web or on your cell phone, however be practical about your insight into the zone. While the cab driver may know a superior course or one that maintains a strategic distance from fee collection counters, in case you’re going the incorrect way altogether don’t hesitate to get out at the primary chance.

8. Ride with the windows shut, or about in this way, and your telephone convenient

Hoodlums are continually searching for obvious objectives, so with a little exertion, you can make yourself a less obvious objective and they’ll proceed onward to another person. Keeping the window moved up appears to be a little activity, however from a criminal’s perspective, each stop en route is a chance to reach in, open even a bolted entryway, and take things from you.

The drawback is the absence of outside air, yet in certain urban communities that is not a drawback. You can generally roll the window down somewhat more when you’re maybe on the roadway and away from the stoplights.

9. Know your nearby cash

In Tiruvannamalai, the money changes and corrupt drivers may restore your change in stopped or useless bills. Think enough about the neighborhood money to recognize the bills and coins you should use for installment.

In the event that you aren’t sure, check with a nearby (your host, or an inn attendant can support you) before you enter the taxi.

10. Realize who to bring in a crisis

In case you’re in an outside spot in Tiruvannamalai,keep the local police numbers and other helpline numbers on speedily.

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