Taxi and Auto-Rickshaw Travel Tips in Tiruvannamalai

This post is about auto rickshaw rides in Tiruvannamalai. We will utilize ‘rickshaw’ in Tiruvannamalai for this blog entry. Presumably, you have perused in the entirety of the touring online journals or manuals to concede to the cost of the rickshaw before you get inside autos in Tiruvannamalai. There are no meters in the autos in Tiruvannamalai and hence be careful to negotiate with them and also have a idea before hand what the costs are for traveling from one place to another in Tiruvannamalai.If you are staying in Tiruvannamalai for long then it is better to rent scooters in Tiruvannamalai from Bhagavan scooters or Tiruvannamalai Tourism.

OMG: Vidya Balan Arrives In Auto Rickshaw For Kahaani 2 Trailer ...

Tip One – Negotiate, in Tiruvannamalai, it is your bequest!

Indeed, it can feel unusual from the outset, however do it! You will approach the auto driver in Tiruvannamalai and state “to go to X area.” They will advise you to get in without giving you a rate. Ask once more, and they will react with a number that they are positive about (it’s generally higher than any nearby would consider paying). It’s alright to arrange! At times we began with a statement of 200 Rs and had the option to talk them down to 50 – 100 Rs. Simply be firm and considerate. It’s alright to leave after you begin to arrange.

Tip 2 – Ask a Local in Tiruvannamalai

Before we leave in a auto in Tiruvannamalai, we go to the individual close to us and ask, “What is the neighborhood rate for rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai?” Usually, we had the option to discover a fitting cost effectively (and obviously once in a while they would reveal to us numbers above what we knew to be valid). We additionally asked cops in Tiruvannamalai and people at the front work area of the lodgings/inns we were remaining at. At times they needed to ask us where we were proceeding to attempt to help mentor us – yet as a rule we had the option to see a decent value point as mindful of (some of the time we would ask two individuals and get altogether different numbers – 50 Rs and 100 Rs, for instance, go considering the more modest number when you arrange).

Tip 3 – Location, Location, Location! Travel cost in Tiruvannamalai depends on the locations

This is valid for such a significant number of things throughout everyday life! At the point when you’re remaining at an extravagant inn in  Tiruvannamalai (or remaining before one), and you approach the closest rickshaw for a ride, the cost will be higher! Assuming, in any case, you leave that extravagant lodging in Tiruvannamalai, onto the fundamental street (so perhaps you need to walk 200-300 meters) regularly you will have the option to make a superior deal (the distinction somewhere in the range of 250rs and 40rs, for instance). This additionally applies for directly before the train station and vacation spots. Know the closest crossing point to your lodging and give that rather than the inn name for rickshaw ride back.

Avoid Getting a Rickshaw in a Heavy Tourist Places in Tiruvannamalai

This might be very self-evident, yet a great many people won’t think to walk a couple of meters down the road to get a rickshaw ride that is a large portion of the cost. Rickshaw drivers joint around substantial sightseers territories in  Tiruvannamalai  are looking to cheat since they realize this is the place the cash is to be made. Regularly on the off chance that you take two or three minutes to stroll around the bend there will be another rickshaw that you can wave to at an a lot less expensive cost.

Tip 4 – Don’t be reluctant to leave autos whose auto driver’s in Tiruvannamalai act cheap or try to cheat by asking too much money.

It isn’t unprecedented for you to move toward from one driver, and in a flash be mobbed by 2-10 different drivers, all attempting to comprehend you misspeak the name of a tomb, lodging, landmark. Realize that you are, at that time, haggling with every one of them – however, it is likewise alright to leave. On numerous occasions we would ask what amount go to X area, get an over the top value, at that point we’d quote something considerably less – the drivers would descend a few in any case, we were as yet unsettled in this way, we’d leave, and right at that point they would offer a to some degree sensible rate. Or then again they don’t and you simply leave and locate the following rickshaw.

Tip 5 – Be sure, simply sit in a auto ride in Tiruvannamalai !

Once in a while, when we were very certain of the nearby rate and we were not remaining before an extravagant lodging we just bounced on the rickshaw in Tiruvannamalai, disclosed to them where we needed to go and when we jumped off, we gave them the neighborhood charge and there was no issue. No guarantees that this works constantly in Tiruvannamalai – yet it accomplished work for us a few times. We additionally didn’t generally stay to talk about things with the driver-we simply paid and left.

Tipping a rickshaw driver in Tiruvannamalai: There is no compelling reason to tip auto drivers on a solitary ride in Tiruvannamalai .In the event that you employ a rickshaw for the day we propose tipping a modest quantity (as long as you don’t purchase anything at any of the shops the rickshaw driver took you to).

A speedy note on security – While I’m certain there are repulsiveness stories out there about utilizing auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai, we have ridden autgo rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai and had no issues by any stretch of the imagination. We’ve ridden them promptly in the first part of the (prior day dawn), for the duration of the day, and late into the night. We’ve ‘leased’ a auto rickshaw in Tiruvannamalai for the day and employed them for halfway days as well. All with no serious issues. Be that as it may, similarly as with anything, you ought to be cautious and aware of yourself, your environmental factors, and your possessions.

Try not to get waylaid by forceful auto drivers in Tiruvannamalai who attempt to convince you to come to them as opposed to heading off to the counter; they’ll surely charge you more than the distributed rate. At your goal, don’t pay the driver anything extra, regardless of whether he asserts you gave an inappropriate goal to the counter assistant (improbable) or gives different reasons.

Auto Drivers and Taxi drivers in Tiruvannamalai are well known to guide travelers by offering to discover you an inn or to take you shopping at the “best” stores, which implies they’ll get a commission on the off chance that you get a room or purchase anything. The stores are typically over the top expensive, so on the off chance that you don’t need this sort of alternate route, you should be firm. At last, taxis and auto’s near lavish inns in Tiruvannamalai are infamous for cheating clients who recruit them outside the inn. Set up already, with the assistance of the concierge, that the cab driver in Tiruvannamalai will follow the right price.


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