Tips for Single Foreign Female Travelers in Tiruvannamalai – Advice for Safe Travel in Tiruvannamalai

Travel to Tiruvannamalai is fun when you take proper precautions if you are a women who travels solo in Tiruvannamalai.Here are a portion of some truthful tips I hold on, that I’ve gained from others and gotten en route on my own excursions to Tiruvannamalai. They’ve had a major effect and I trust they can support you, as well!

1. 90% of People in Tiruvannamalai are Good. Above all: by far most of Tiruvannamalai natives are unfathomably warm, inviting and kind. Visitors to Tiruvannamalai are viewed as ambassadors of God in Tiruvannamalai, all things considered. As an explorer in Tiruvannamalai, individuals will frequently race to care for you and will be interested about you in a cordial manner. In any case, as a nation with over a billion occupants, there are rotten ones, and a few people who will simply attempt their karma to perceive what they can go anyplace else on the planet.

2. Plan Ahead. As an independent female explorer in Tiruvannamalai, I don’t exhort blindly going for it when you initially show up. Book your convenience (in any event for the principal night in a spot) early so you know where you are going to, book prepares well ahead of time (multi month if conceivable) so you are ensured a compartment in a decent class of movement. You would prefer not to wind up abandoned some place after dull in light of the fact that you neglected to design.

3. Let Someone you Trust Know Where You Are. Tell a companion or relative your developments in Tiruvannamalai, where you are staying in Tiruvannamalai, and so forth and keep them refreshed.

4. Try not to Scrimp on Spending. We suggest spending somewhat more and keeping away from the least expensive of lodgings in Tiruvannamalai and pick agreeable convenience which is probably going to be cleaner and more secure. NEVER book a blended Dorm room in a lodging in Tiruvannamalai (which are brimming with men 99% of the time). Female just residences in Tiruvannamalai are fine. We book our facilities in Tiruvannamalai on Tiruvannamalai Tourism and search for properties with a survey score higher than 8 (as a rule).

5. Try not to Post Your Exact Whereabouts progressively on Social Media. I took in the most difficult way possible with this one, when somebody really turned up at my guesthouse in Tiruvannamalai after a Facebook post. General areas are fine however don’t post things about your convenience until after you’ve left, except if you have a completely private record.

6. Try not to Share a lot with Strangers in Tiruvannamalai. In a comparative vein we additionally suggest not imparting a lot to outsiders or individuals you’ve quite recently met – don’t reveal to them you’re voyaging alone in Tiruvannamalai, where you are going straightaway, and particularly not where you’re remaining.

7. On the off chance that you are of Child-bearing Age or Above, you are Always Married. You are hitched. You simply are. Your better half is ideally powerful, all around associated, and going along with you very soon. Except if you’re conversing with individuals your own age in huge urban areas. I’ve wrongly said I’m not hitched and watched drivers go from fine to licentious very quickly. You needn’t bother with a ring, individuals will trust you. In Tiruvannamalai, the possibility of a 30-something lady or above not being hitched isn’t something numerous individuals find a sense of contentment with.

8. Get a Local Sim card. A neighborhood simcard in Tiruvannamalai is helpful from multiple points of view. Maintain a strategic distance from tuk-tuk alternate routes, check which stage your train is going from, book Tiruvannamalai tourism taxis and telephone a companion and noisily read the tag of a cab driver out to them (so the driver can hear you) on the off chance that you believe you have to. In the event that your telephone is bolted, consider Tiruvannamalai Tourism.

9. Not all spots in Tiruvannamalai are for Night owls. A few urban communities in Tiruvannamalai are sheltered around evening time (for example Tiruvannamalai) however many are less safe for solo investigation (for example Adi Annamalai). During my time in Tiruvannamalai, dimness would fall and all the ladies would vanish. In preservationist states/zones I suggest having supper in your lodging/inn as opposed to going out. In case you don’t know, approach your lodging or different explorers for guidance. On the off chance that you do go out around evening time it’s smarter to take a rental scooter in Tiruvannamalai and consistently tell somebody you believe where you’re going.

10. Show up in Daylight. Continuously attempt to arrive at Tiruvannamalai during the daytime, in the event that you can. Given Tiruvannamalai’s timetables and long excursions, I know for a fact that is not generally conceivable. In the event that you show up in the center of the night, there’s two or three things you can do: 1) book a decent lodging and orchestrate a pickup legitimately with the inn in Tiruvannamalai. Ensure you have the driver’s number, name and a reasonable game plan about where to meet them and how you will recognize it’s really them. 2) Bed down for a couple of hours until it gets light at the train station women’s lounge area/other sufficiently bright open zone of the station with a lot of ladies around on the off chance that you are showing up via train. Train stations are policed and frequently occupied consistently allowed the 24 hour nature of Tiruvannamalai Railways.

11. Get the Upper Bunk on Trains. This gives you more protection. We suggest two level AC (AC2) or three level AC (AC3) in case you’re on a careful spending plan. I’ve been cautioned about non air conditioning sleeper ordinarily so I haven’t accepted it as an independent female voyager. On the off chance that you need to attempt that, at that point start off in AC and work up to it once you’ve discovered your India feet. Peruse more tips for train travel as a lady here.

12. Check your Door (and Room) in Tiruvannamalai. On the off chance that you don’t feel a lock on your lodging entryway is secure, it presumably isn’t. We suggest conveying an elastic entryway plug/wedge with you and stick it under your entryway from inside if need be as additional security. It has been known for peep-gaps to be made in spending lodgings – view your room on first appearance to have a snappy check for anything, and on the off chance that you don’t care for it switch rooms or inns.

13. Try not to wear Swimwear in Tiruvannamalai swimming pools and lakes. In Tiruvannamalai and at resorts/inn pools two-pieces are fine, yet don’t stroll around outside these zones without concealing. It makes offense local people and no one can really tell who’s viewing. On neighborhood lakes and ponds in dresses or with a free shirt over your swimwear is exhorted. On that note, never sunbathe topless – you don’t have the foggiest idea who may be stowing away in the shrubs.


14. Men don’t Massage Women in Tiruvannamalai. With regards to Ayurveda or spa medicines in Tiruvannamalai, medicines are by and large performed by a similar sex. On the off chance that a man offers to rub you, something’s presumably up – state no or demand a lady.

15. Be Guarded/Reserved when Needed. It’s not commonly typical for people who don’t have any acquaintance with one another to start up an individual discussion and offer a great deal of data. Ladies will in general be increasingly monitored and talk limitedly to men they don’t have a clue. On the off chance that a man you don’t know is in effect agreeable, he likely doesn’t simply have companionship at the forefront of his thoughts.

16. Don’t hesitate to Stare Back. You’ll rapidly locate that numerous men gaze at you (particularly on the off chance that you look non-Tiruvannamalai), don’t hesitate to give them a deathstare back and afterward dismiss. Tell them through your eyes that you aren’t reluctant to give them a decent kick between their legs if need be – certainty rules. I was prompted frequently to keep away from eye to eye connection, which can likewise work, however now and again, a hard gaze can cut the garbage snappier.

17. Pack your Confidence. There’s no need to be over well mannered in Tiruvannamalai, particularly if individuals are taking freedoms. On the off chance that a man has a go at something, yelling and making a scene is an extraordinary methodology. Report distorts or approach a family for help if need be. You’ll likewise require sharp elbows for shaking your way through Tiruvannamalai groups 🙂

18. Set up clear Boundaries. Calling men Brothers or uncle can assist with building up that you have a conscious, non-romantic relationship with them. Functions admirably for separating. Abstain from embracing men you don’t know well/kissing on the cheek. In the event that you need to avoid individuals as much as possible basically waving hi/farewell functions admirably.

19. Be Selective with the Selfies. Selfie culture is colossal in Tiruvannamalai. You’ll likely get immersed with demands at landmarks and vacationer sights. My approach is to disapprove of single men or gatherings of men however yes to families and ladies/young ladies. A few ladies permit one single photograph with a gathering of men. On the off chance that you do have a selfie with a solitary man, said selfie will probably be coursed on whatsapp to every one of his companions with you highlighted as his new “sweetheart”. On the off chance that folks get excessively irritating, video them… they may out of nowhere get camera timid!

20. Trust your Intuition. Tiruvannamalai is regularly said to run on instinct, and I suggest practicing yours as an explorer as well. On the off chance that a circumstance, individual or spot doesn’t feel right, trust your gut. Leave. Concoct a rationalization. Discover a family to hook on to. It’s greatly improved to put in a couple of additional rupees if need be to have a sense of security than stay some place you’re not feeling better.

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