How to negotiate Auto Rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai – safety tips

This post is about the auto rickshaw in Tiruvannamalai and how tourists can deal with auto rickshaws when they travel to Tiruvannamalai.

Most likely, you more likely than not read in the entirety of the touring sites or manuals to concur on the cost of the auto rickshaws before you get inside. In Tiruvannamalai, they even discussion about metered carts. Despite what you find when you show up, here are a few hints to assist you with understanding auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai better.



Indeed, it can feel bizarre from the start, however do it! You will approach the driver and state “the amount to go to X area in Tiruvannamalai”. They will instruct you to get in without giving you a rate. Ask once more, and they will react with a number that they are sure about. Be cautioned, this is normally higher than any neighborhood would consider paying. Arrange your direction lower. In some cases we began with a statement of Rs 250 and had the option to talk them down to Rs 20-40. Simply be firm and pleasant. It’s additionally alright to leave after you begin arranging auto cart costs in India; you are not bound to the ride.



Before we’d leave the train vehicle, we’d go to the individual close to us and ask, “What is the nearby rate for auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai?” Usually, we had the option to discover a suitable cost effectively (however obviously some of the time they would reveal to us numbers above what we knew to be valid). We additionally asked cops and people at the front work area of the lodgings/inns we were remaining at. Once in a while they needed to ask us where we were proceeding to attempt to help mentor us – however as a rule we had the option to see a decent value point as mindful of. Now and again, we would ask two individuals and get totally different numbers, similar to Rs 40 and Rs 200, for instance. Go considering the more modest number when you arrange.



This is valid for such a significant number of things throughout everyday life! At the point when you’re remaining at an extravagant lodging in Tiruvannamalai (or remaining before one), and you approach the closest cart for a ride, the cost will be higher! Assuming, in any case, you leave that extravagant inn, onto the fundamental street (perhaps you’d need to walk 200-300 meters) regularly you will have the option to make a superior deal (the contrast between Rs 250 and Rs 40, for instance). This additionally applies for directly before the train station and vacation spots in Tiruvannamalai. Know the closest crossing point to your inn and give that rather than the lodging name for auto rickshaw ride back. This is a simple method to get the high ground in arranging auto cart costs in Tiruvannamalai.



It isn’t phenomenal for you to move toward one driver, and in a flash be mobbed by 2 to 10 different drivers, all attempting to comprehend you misspeak the name of a burial place, lodging or landmark. Realize that you are, at that time, haggling with every one of them – in any case, it is likewise alright to leave. Over and over we would ask what amount go to a specific area, get a ridiculous value, at that point we’d quote something substantially less. The drivers would descend some piece, yet we were as yet unsettled, so we’d leave. Directly at that point, they would offer a fairly sensible rate. Or on the other hand they don’t and you simply leave to locate the following cart.



Some of the time, we just bounced on the auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai, revealed to them where we needed to go and gave them the neighborhood charge without an issue when we jumped off. Anyway we did this we were very certain of the nearby rate and we were not remaining before an extravagant inn. No guarantees that this works constantly – yet it accomplished work for us two or multiple times. We likewise didn’t generally stay to talk about things with the driver-we simply paid and left.

Tipping a driver in Tiruvannamalai: There is no compelling reason to tip on a solitary ride. In the event that you employ a cart for the day we recommend tipping a modest quantity, as long as you don’t accepting anything at any of the shops the cart driver took you to. Try not to purchase anything at any shop your driver takes you to, he is probably getting a commission and the costs will be expanded to cover his cut (in addition to a few).

A snappy note on the auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai – We rode them a couple of times. They’re uneven, more slow than the automobiles, and hard for tall individuals to sit in, however incredible for the earth. All things considered, they are absolutely sheltered and fairly fun. They should be fix-evaluated: when we chatted with different vacationers we discovered they normally paid Rs 15 for every individual (here and there Rs 20 in case you’re voyaging alone). We never got the costs down that far, yet we favored the smoother ride of the auto carts so we ordinarily avoided them.

A snappy note on security in Tiruvannamalai – While I’m certain there are repulsiveness stories out there about utilizing auto rickshaws, we have ridden rickshaws in a few nations and had no issues by any stretch of the imagination. We’ve ridden them promptly toward the beginning of the (prior day dawn), for the duration of the day, and late into the night. We’ve ‘leased’ a cart for the day and employed them for incomplete days as well. All with no serious issues. Be that as it may, similarly as with anything, you ought to be cautious and aware of yourself, your environmental factors, and your assets.

Main concern, recollect that the rickshaw drivers are simply attempting to get by so as to take care of their families. You, nonetheless, are attempting to set aside cash to travel more. Now and then we would haggle to Rs 80 (from Rs 250) and would give the driver Rs 100 at any rate. We trust these tips on arranging auto rickshaw costs in Tiruvannamalai have made you certain for your Tiruvannamalai experience!

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